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source of energyの例文


  • came from a source of energy that was immoral:
  • again , a source of energy that's very difficult to explain
  • this restaurant doing well is my source of energy .
    このレストランがくれる 元気の輪を広げて行きたいんや。
  • about the source of energy for this refusepacked city
  • you're my source of energy , chihirochan .
    ちひろちゃんは 私の元気の元なので
  • that can be an innovative source of energy
  • become a major source of energy ...
  • the idea that we'll discover some fabulous new source of energy
  • you're my source of energy , chihirochan .
    ソースが目に染みる うっ
  • this could be the source of energy
  • it's a monster that uses divorce papers as its source of energy !
    離婚届をエネルギー源にしている 怪物ドキ
  • they just determined that fungi use radiation as a source of energy
    植物が光を使うように 菌類が放射能を使って
  • your souls are a sufficient source of energy to overturn entropy .
    たちの魂は エントロピーを覆す エネルギー源たりうるんだよ
  • hopefully a source of energy
  • dilute source of energy .
  • the guardians harnessed will because it's the strongest source of energy in the universe .
    ガーディアンは 意志を利用する... 宇宙で最も強い エネルギー源だからだ
  • the most effective source of energy comes from the phase change between hope and despair of young women
    とりわけ最も効率がいいのは 第二次性徴期の少女の 希望と絶望の相転移だ
  • the main ingredient of rice , which is a cereal , is starch , which is a polysaccharide , and it cannot be utilized as source of energy for yeast .